Opening Up To The Infinite // Passion Project Announcement

Andrew and his husband, Philippe.

It is with great excitement that I share the announcement of my Glowing Heart Reiki School Passion Project.

After a lot of thought and guidance, what started out as an independent adventure, has become one of collaboration.

Through this process, I have decided to further my Reiki practice by creating an energy-healing platform with my husband Philippe.

While I was taking Reiki training courses at Glowing Heart Reiki School, I began to share my experiences and concepts of universal energy with my husband, who also was my first client. It was through these experiences that my husband also began an energetic transformation and came to understand his connection to a traditional French modality called Magnetism. As we each deepened our own practice, we were guided to combine our offerings into an integrated space to help reach others who were interested in energy healing.

Each of us has an independent approach: myself practicing Reiki and Philippe with Magnetism.

​For over a year, we had been separately helping family and friends, who were very supportive and receptive to our sessions. In order to reach more people, we decided to create an online presence that provides a grounded, heart-centered approach to energetic healing. 

We chose the name ReMa as a balanced paring of our services; “Re” for Reiki and “Ma” for Magnetism. That is how ReMa Energy Practice was born.

We can work independently or together to combine both our energy healing modalities. Through ReMa we are putting ourselves in the service of others to help them achieve their individual goals and hope to build a community.

My intention through Reiki, is to help empower clients to reconnect with their physical, mental, and spiritual self, through intuitive listening, chakra balancing, and emotional expression. I employ a combination of empathetic listening, crystal work, and card readings in my Reiki sessions.

Andrew Cabridens, Reiki Master

Andrew’s mission is to help empower clients to reconnect with their physical, mental, and spiritual self, through intuitive listening, chakra balancing, and emotional expression.

More about Andrew


Two Beautiful Lines: A Fertility Journey // Passion Project Announcement


My Reiki Journey: Resetting to Me // Passion Project Announcement