MASTER PROGRAM: Teacher Training Apprenticeship
This half year long Reiki Master Mentorship program is designed to empower each graduate to start a Reiki Lineage all of their own. Each participant will work on developing a specialized focus to infuse with Reiki over their lifetime. The goal is to set up each participant to live from their heart and to welcome the healing and transformative power of Reiki into all areas of their lives (on and off the table). This program is for those who are ready to use Reiki to transform all areas of their life and for those who want to have the ability to attune people, animals and objects with Reiki.
-3 months of one-on-one mentoring
-Two Reiki session trades with Nicole
-2 Reiki master guidance sessions
-1 Group training in cultivating sacred space & passing attunements in the GHRS tradition
-The revealing of one additional symbol used only in passing attunements
-The revealing of traditional & non-traditional attunement passing techniques
-Group and individual practice in passing attunements
-Training on creating your Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 lesson plan
-1 Reiki-infused authenticity project Passion Project
-A Glowing Heart Reiki Master profile
-Unlimited Glowing Heart Reiki online resource access
-Feedback & guidance during the training and beyond
-The option to sit in on any of Nicole's future Reiki trainings
Participants will receive their Reiki Master Certificate of Completion after:
-Teaching a Reiki Level 1 Class to two or more students with Nicole present (for all or a portion).
-Completing a Glowing Heart Passion Project that is grounded in creativity, authenticity, service to the highest good, and so much more.
-Every graduate will show comfort in passing attunements, teaching about Reiki and offering a traditional Reiki treatment.
-Each practitioner has up to 3 months to complete all one-on-one mentoring with Nicole and up to 6 months to complete all of Certification requirements.
-Completion of Reiki Level 1, 2, & 3 with Nicole*
-6 months of personal experience with the Reiki 2 symbols
-Attendance of a minimum of 2 Reiki Shares & 2 Community Reiki events
-A consistent self-healing Reiki & meditation practice (perfection not necessary)
-An understanding of the personal & spiritual significance of committing to Reiki as a lifelong practice
-A deep desire to call Reiki into all areas of life
-A desire to attune others to Reiki
Training and requirements are to be completed in 6 months.
EXCHANGE: $1333 if completed in 6 months
Payment plan: $222 per month
Reiki Master Training Value: up to $10,000
*Some exceptions can be made for Level 1 & 2, however, Level 3 with Nicole is required for this course. If you have done Reiki Level 1 & 2 elsewhere you can email Nicole at and set up a lineage bridge program. Nicole will take time to assess where you are in your Reiki practice, your understanding of the concepts and symbols, and offer you an attunement in the Glowing Heart Reiki lineage. This session will take 2 hours with the exchange of $188.
Applications are now being accepted here.
If even with the sliding scale and payment plan you feel that you are unable to afford both Reiki Level 3 & the Master Training 6 Month Apprenticeship, there is the opportunity to offer work in exchange for a discount. This exchange would require honest (and timely) effort and work to help support the prosperity of the GHRS Lineage. Just for today, I will do my work honestly
Mastership LED BY REIKI MASTER, COLE HOOLEY & Glowing Heart Reiki Masters.
One Mastership Program Per Year
Visit our Workshops page to find this and other GHRS classes, workshops, events & training!
If you are interested in completing your Reiki Mastership with Glowing Heart Reiki School, please complete the form below, including a heart centered intention.
If you’ve already completed your Reiki Mastership with Glowing Heart Reiki School, you can find all your Mastership resources Here.