Why I am not a Healer
The blissful reality of the spiritual realm is not just for those who need “healing.”
When I first decided to enter the world of Reiki & Yoga, I was not thinking, "I need to heal myself." I was instead thinking, "I feel like something is going on here... and I want to know more!"
Reiki and Yoga are an exploration of Subtle Energy and Life-force, and this exploration is incredibly fascinating and so much FUN! I am finding these days that I am no longer interested in being boxed in as a healer or a yogini, for that matter. I am simply a spiritual person who truly loves to talk & share about it! While I am here to aid those struggling, need an energetic boost, or in deep sorrow or pain, that is just a byproduct of this work, not necessarily the end goal.
We do a disservice to ourselves and the world by associating deeper awareness and connection to the universe as something we only need when we are suffering. I don't only feel connected to the cosmos when I am heartbroken. I am not only feeling subtle energy in my heart space when life is falling apart. I don't only feel the vibration in my hips when I am healing trauma. I also feel this energy when life is pouring out beauty and blessings all over me! By awakening subtle energy awareness in my body, I've found myself able to love more deeply than I ever knew possible, create experiences that I had never even dreamed of, and delight in simple things that once hardly even mattered.
This work is not only for the broken. It is for all those who want to live more fully!
After several years of offering Reiki, Yoga & Intuitive Healing services, I've come to a realization; Healing is an inside job! While I know it is tempting to hand someone money and expect all of your problems to be solved, it's also ignoring what you know as truth. Our consumerist culture has taught us to expect things quickly and easily, even if that means losing ourselves in the process. While I cannot deny that I've played some role in the emotional, emotional, physical or mental healing process, I cannot take the credit. Those who receive healing are ready for it. They are prepared to do the work! To change how they live, think, act, receive, and give in this world.
As a reiki practitioner, I try my best to explain that I am only a catalyst or vessel.
The actual shifts happen through one's connection, receptivity, or readiness (even if only on a soul level) to/for Universal Life-Force energy. Reiki aids in reducing stress in the body. So yes, maybe I can help you decrease your stress levels, but it's essential to know that the healing is happening through you! Your willingness to participate gives way to healing, empowerment, and overall fulfilling life.
True healing, empowerment, and holistic living come from a personal connection to something bigger than ourselves. Whether that be through quantum leaping, spiritual awakening, energy awareness, faith in a religion, or simply understanding that your body is a compilation of the same stuff as stars, this connection allows for a significant shift in our perception of possibility. This is the work of Liberation; this is the work of cultivating heaven or earth!
In our society, way too many people wait until they are on their deathbed, terribly sick, out of a job, or experiencing a horrible loss to seek a deeper connection to truth and spirit. However, can you imagine what the world would be like if we valued this connection even when everything was going well? Why are we so afraid of deeper awareness? Is it because we associate it with these darker experiences? Why do we want other people/things to do the work for us? Is it because we are afraid of how much power we have in our lives? Why do we associate the most beautiful experiences in life with the darkest hours of the soul?
I, for one, want to change this!
I know that I am not a Healer. I am not here to do anything for you other than assist you (if needed) in your journey toward a more profound connection within. If some healing happens along the way, excellent, but remember, that was your body & the universe doing the work, not me! My only job is to show up, make myself available, and be as honest as possible with what I am offering: moral support, guidance, openness, faith, and unconditional love.
Reiki is not merely healing work; it is life work, and I am thrilled doing it!
Love & light,
Posted initially on LivingLifeIntuitively.com on March 27th, 2018