Glowing Heart focuses on maintaining a sense of community while spreading awareness of the holistic power of Reiki, Eco-Spiritual Therapies, Self-Practice, and Intentional Well-Being.
REIKI = LIFE FORCE ENERGY. Reiki is a Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique that promotes the body’s natural healing process. Attuned Reiki Practitioners study and are guided by the subtle essence of life force energy in all things. A Reiki treatment is offered by a practitioner by placing their hands on somewhat traditional placements on the body while allowing healing energy to flow through the practitioner from source.
Reiki can only be used for the highest good. When receiving Reiki, one can only receive the level of healing or clarity of which they are ready for. This is because you are your own healer and Reiki is working to help your body, mind and spirit come into alignment with your highest good.
It is best to accompany Reiki with mindful movement, meditation, intuitively empowered nutrition and self-care.
Reiki can be passed from a Reiki master to a student. A Reiki master is someone who has accepted Reiki as a way of life and who has received enough empowerment to feel ready to teach and share Reiki energy with others. The best way to understand Reiki is to receive a treatment from a certified practitioner.
If you’d like to learn more about the experience of giving and receiving Reiki, you can check out our blog, featuring clients, students, practitioners, and Glowing Heart Reiki School founder Cole Hooley. Ready to begin your own journey as a Reiki practitioner? You’ll find more details and all the info you need about upcoming courses below.